John Bullock Lighting Design
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A series of promotional video shorts for 2017: Lux Review and Lighting magazine

Nearly as much fun as a box of frogs, a day of sitting in front of a video camera and talking for the fun of it.

Marketing strategies are evolving as the internet continues to take hold of our working lives. How do we get ourselves in front of a target audience now that we have automatic deletes on our e-mail inbox? The video short can be linked to all sorts of social media and - subversively - its not only the owners of the video who spread the message; if someone likes what they see, the link gets to even more people.

And that can all add up to those magic words: GONE VIRAL!


Instruments 2017 - for Lighting magazine


Masters of Light - for Lighting magazine


Light Locator - for Lux Review


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John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

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