John Bullock Lighting Design
John Bullock Lighting Design
Lighting Product DesignLighting Product Design
Heritage Lighting ProjectsHeritage Lighting Projects
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Think Global - Act Local!


Whilst it may be great for the ego to be swanning off to Dubai, what your Karma really needs is for you to get on your push-bike and use those finely-honed skills among your friends and neighbours, . . . and that's part of the plan down here in rural Sherborne.

I've started a new series of home lighting consulant advice in our monthly free magazine - The Conduit.


Just click on the magazine cover here and head off to page 11 to see what all the fuss is about.

But don't forget to browse through the rest of the doings of North Dorset - smell the spring flowers and listen to the buzzing of the bees, the twitterings of the birds - and the clinking of silver spoons against bone china as the Ladies of Sherborne go about their business.






To learn more about my lighting design philosophy and how I work, please click HERE!

RIBA CPD in 2015

Here are the links to my event calendars



John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

Website designed by Alacrify