John Bullock Lighting Design
John Bullock Lighting Design
Lighting Product DesignLighting Product Design
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Combining old and new


There's no need to think that, because something is 'old, 'traditional', 'heritage' that it can't benefit from a technical upgrade. Here's an example of a Victorian/Edwardian classic, usually fitted with a glass globe, concealing whatever low energy version of a 60W lamp fits best. Except I've reduced the overall 'bulbous-ness' of the beast and turned it into a bit of attrative steam punk design (as i believe the younger desig community might call it) bvy replacing the white globe with a simple LED panel.

Its in one of those interiors that will forever speak of a nostalgic past - the formal dress hire emporium for the younger male approaching marriage.

The singlemost important place in this type of environment is the mirror and the timeless internal dialogue; 'what do I look like in this monkey suit . . .and what on earth do I think I'm doing?' - or words to that effect. The wall bracket provides the toplight, while the flanking light strips fill the space from top hat to polished boots.



RIBA CPD in 2015

Here are the links to my event calendars



John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

Website designed by Alacrify