John Bullock Lighting Design
John Bullock Lighting Design
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Lighting design: it's a client thing


One of the things that we talked about at the Circular Lighting Live 2022 conference in London on Thursday was the importance of bringing the client with you – and the need for us to understand what the client is looking to achieve before we can do that.

Probably the only people who actually care about lighting design are lighting designers, of whatever stripe and from whatever sector of our community. What our clients look for is what our lighting skills bring to their businesses and lifestyles.



Its not often that I get to see a piece of my lighting design realised and then featured in a promotional video, so many thanks to Sean Cooper at Catch at the Old Fish Market in Weymouth for capturing the wonderful ambience of his restaurant in this new video.

For me, it’s a reminder that the real meaning of our work isn’t to produce a lighting scheme that’s easy to install, or a specification that’s comfortable (and profitable) for the contractor – it’s about enhancing and reinforcing the story of a project that will continue to deliver for the client, long after we’ve moved onto the next one, and the next one, and the next one . . .



RIBA CPD in 2015

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John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

Website designed by Alacrify