John Bullock Lighting Design
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The Life and Times of the LED - Article 6


I've been writing about the curious, sometimes strained, relationship that exists between LED lighting and Sustainability issues - with some surprising finds. Thanks are due to LUX magazine for the original commission of ten articles, beginning in October 2013 and due to complete in August 2014. Its been a bit of a blast.

We're told that its too difficult - for which read 'too costly' to reclaim the component materials from electronic waste. But how much longer can we afford to allow that situation to continue. It really is time to look again at the printed circuit board.


'When Scrap becomes a Commodity' 
April 2014.
What are we going to do about everything we throw away - when there is no 'away'?








And if you'd like to download a PDF of the article, you can do that here.

RIBA CPD in 2015

Here are the links to my event calendars



John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

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