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The elephant box in the room


Two timely arrivals at The Coach House - one physical and the other by the wonder of the interweb . . .

We heard about the Elephant Box project some weeks ago and signed-up straightaway to an intitiative that seemed so simple, so obvious. And yesterday we took possession of our very own Elephant Box. The idea behind Elephant Box is to wean us off that staple of every English kitchen - the plastic food container. The inspiration for Elephant Box comes from the Indian tiffin, containers that are used time and time again, with no waste. And now we've got one. 

This morning, in my inbox, is the latest update from the Ellen.MacArthur Foundation, reporting the latest initiative on the Circular Economy front: and its all about plastics, so maybe Ellen's got herself an Elephant Box as well. But this report goes to the heart of the problem with plastics and looks forward to a future where plastics never go to waste - and that's something to look forward to.

Read about Elephant Box HERE

Read about the New Plastics Economy HERE.









RIBA CPD in 2015

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John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

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