John Bullock Lighting Design
John Bullock Lighting Design
Lighting Product DesignLighting Product Design
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Products That Last


I'm not a regular book reviewer; I'm a regular reader but that's a different thing.

But every once in a while a book comes along that deserves a bit more attention and a book has just
been published that echoes the things that I've been talking about to anyone who'll listen over the
last few years.

The book is Products That Last: Product Design for Circular Business Models, and I'll be writing commentary as I go, rather than waiting to get to the end to find out whodunnit.

The concept of The Circular Economy has quickly become a central tenet of the Sustainability process in manufactuering and materials husbandry. It is a design principle that will demand a change in individual and corporate mind-sets . . . and a willingness to take risks.




To learn more about me and (sort of) justify my standing up and talking about stuff like this, click HERE!







RIBA CPD in 2015

Here are the links to my event calendars



John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

Website designed by Alacrify