John Bullock Lighting Design
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Sustainability - They Seek it Here, They Seek it There . . .


Sustainability they seek it here, they seek it there . . . from john bullock

I delivered this PowerPoint presentation to the ILP Professional Lighting Summit on 25th September 2014, at St. John's Hotel, Solihull.

Its an immense amount of information to take in over the course of half an hour, so - if you were there - here's your chance to take a more leisurely stroll through the material. And if you weren't there, I hope that there's enough here for you to get the gist of what I was going on about.

But what we all need to understand is that - like it or not - Sustainable ways of working are here to stay; all we have to do is decide whether we want to be one of the Drivers on the journey, or whether we're happy being a Passenger . . . and have other people make the rules for us.

RIBA CPD in 2015

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John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

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