John Bullock Lighting Design
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The Life and Times of the LED - a series in ten parts


Writing about LEDs and Sustainability

Lux Live 2014At last, I have the full ten articles here on the website - see them in the PUBLISHED ARTICLES section. And many thanks to LUX magazine for the opportunity to write them, and the magazine's confidence in publishing them!

Its been a interesting journey, starting with the dismantling of an LED fixture and then taking the bits and pieces along to those who know better than I do to find out what came from where and what we do with the whole thing once its died. Thanks to everyone involved for the knowledge and the insights.

And I didn't think I'd ever write about LEDs and intensive farming - but I guess someone has to if we're to continue to feed a growing global population. If LEDs can help with that one, so much the better. But the over-riding impression is that we're not doing anywhere near enough. Its not that we're bad people, sometimes the whole sustainability thing feels like One Step Too Far.
And maybe it is.
The problem is - it won't go away. So we may as well get to grips with it now, before IT gets to grips with US.

And of course, the journey towards a Sustainable future has no real ending; as the Hobbit chap said: "The Road Goes Ever On."


RIBA CPD in 2015

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John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

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