John Bullock Lighting Design
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Lazy Sunday Afternoons!


There must be better ways of spending a Sunday afternoon - especially when, for once, it's not raining.  But needs must, as they insist on saying, and I've spent the afternoon working out how to set up a new survey form on the website.

I'm starting a series of training seminars in the autumn and this Survey is an offer to designers and architects based in Wessex to talk to me about their training needs - a win a hefty discount for an award-winning desklamp at the same time.

If I'm to get to know more architects and designers around the region, I'd better give them the opportunity to let them tell me more about themselves, hence the addition of the short survey.

Of course - I'll provide training seminars to anyone who needs them, wherever you are. So I'd better set up ANOTHER Survey form for you guys. Tomorrow.

Now, where did I leave that paperback - and has the lawn been mowed yet???

RIBA CPD in 2015

Here are the links to my event calendars



John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

Website designed by Alacrify