John Bullock Lighting Design
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The Fine Details of Home Lighting


One of the great things about home lighting design is that is can be fun - interesting - challenging - depending on the circumstances.

All within a single thought process, the designer is working at the scale of the entire building while balancing the finer details of whether its appropriate to highlight decorative glassware on the sideboard.


This lighting test came from a conversation about how best to highlight a set of cut-glass decanters. Spotlighting glass is rarely a good idea - it splashes light around the place too much (either that or you spend an outrageous amount of money on the technology).


But the nice thing about glass is what you can do with it - the simple fact that you can see through it; and that's because light is able to travel through it (and that's why we come to see through it in the first place). So all we have to do is to find the most discreet way of getting the light into the material - et voila! A concealed light source as the base; a template that shuts off all of the light except where the glassware stands and - for the purposes of this demonstration - a couple of theatre gels for the added colour.



And if you'd like to read more about lighting for the home, please visit my Home Lighting Consultant blog pages HERE!

RIBA CPD in 2015

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John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

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