John Bullock Lighting Design
John Bullock Lighting Design
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A new idea - a new conference


Exciting times: I've been invited to join these guys




to act as Organiser and Chief Operating Officer for a new style of lighting event, to be called The Lighting Solutions Conference and Awards.


Its an entirely online lighting event, giving 24-hour access to material. Its the first event of its kind in the UK, and is planned to go live in the first quarter of  2015. There will be speakers and presentations and we're hoping we can work out how to run Live Forums (probably not 24/7 . . . please!), as well as the Award for the best Lighting Solution. . . and it suddenly doesn't seem so far away.

So please excuse me while I get on with some Organising and Chief Operating - whatever that means!

And does anybody have any idea what a Lighting Solution might be ?!?!?!?




RIBA CPD in 2015

Here are the links to my event calendars



John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

Website designed by Alacrify