John Bullock Lighting Design
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Down Memory Lane 1


As time goes on, and short-term memory becomes less secure, the mind is tempted to slip its moorings and wander back to those golden days of lighting design - before anyone really knew what was going on. 
And one of the results of moving home is that it also forces you back to those misty days of Remember-When -  just by opening up long-closed boxes to expose the glories of ancient times.


I bought this twin-head spotlight in Covent Garden from Inside-Out Lighting sometime at the beginning of the 80s - so its been with us through five house moves. Apart from the grime, it looks as funky today as it did when I took it out of its very first box. 
It's no longer fitted with a pair of PAR38 lamps of course; at the moment its got a 2700K and  a 3000K  LED GLS-type retrofit lamps ( pointing at for the comparison of ...etc. And OSRAM, since you ask).

I write today because the fixture has once again been admired by a friend visting the new place for the first time today. How elegant - how timeless. 
How can I disagree with that - I think its bloody marvellous!

But whatever happened to Inside-Out and the guys that ran the business?

Anyone have any information?

RIBA CPD in 2015

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John Bullock Lighting Design
4 Miller Way

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